Activism in Public Schools: Closing Your Child’s Mind

Besides parents being the number one influence on a child, teachers play a big role in shaping your child for the future. They are there to help open minds and teach them to be open to discovery, developing curiosity, and a love for continuous learning. However, it is appearing that there are some teachers in the public school system who apparently are not fostering this in our kids. Instead, they are teaching kids to be activists and not instilling skills of skepticism, critical thinking, or logic.

This is Mrs. Smith, a teacher at Iao Middle School, wearing a SHAKA Movement tshirt in the classroom!

How is it that a middle school teacher has the right credentials and background to be “educating” these students on the issue at hand? Instead of teaching science and the latest research, this teacher’s influence is on promoting activism! Is this going to help our keiki find future opportunities, or just keep them stuck in ideologies? We all know the answer to that.

Not only are some teachers involving themselves in activism and bringing it to the classroom but even Maui High School’s social media accounts are doing the same thing to students!!

A Tweet posted today from MHS.

As a taxpayer funding the Department of Education, these kinds of alliances are utterly saddening. Our public schools, their resources, and employees should not be megaphones for activism. It will provide our keiki no skills for their future. It will get Hawaii nowhere when we have an even greater population of people ill-educated and fearful of science and technology. We already have too many right now!

We don’t need more Babes Against Biotech women or Hawaii Seed ecoterrorists blockading research and science. They take away tools and give nothing in return except social protests and concerts that yield empty rhetoric. We are killing our future generations if we teach fear and misinformation and this hurts all of us.

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