The California Based Sierra Club Wants a Piece of Kaneohe

***No campaign has asked me to write this post and I’m writing it from my own perspective.  I’m tired of dirty politics against a local Kaneohe guy by activist groups that have rooted in Hawaii.  I don’t want history repeating itself.***

First it was the Washington, D.C. based Center for Food Safety sending out junk mail to Kaneohe residents supporting Robert Harris, the director of the Sierra Club in Hawaii.  Well, no sooner did that fill thousands of residents’ mailboxes did another mailer come out from the Sierra Club’s Super PAC.  The most ironic thing about both of these so called environmental groups, is that they are using a lot of resources, cutting down trees, and burning a lot of gas, as well as using toxic chemicals to send out these laminated, glossy mailers to people.  At the time same time, these folks are claiming to save the earth.  Something just ain’t right here.

Here’s the mailer that got sent out recently to support their candidate of choice, while also trying to vilify the opponent, Jarrett Keohokalole, a long time, local born Kaneohe boy who likely knows more about my hometown than the Sierra Club or the Center for Food Safety.

jarrettk2 jarrettK1

Note that the Sierra Club’s logo is that of a pine tree.  How many pine trees we have in Kaneohe growing like that?  Note how he also lists all the developer’s donations on this flyer.  So this must mean it’s a huge red flag that Robert Harris isn’t going to support development at all in Hawaii.  So for all of our family and friends who work in the construction industry and other related businesses, he’s not looking out for you.  These folks don’t even want agriculture on land or homes but seem to want it fallow, for environmental purposes.  If you are planning on wanting to buy and affordable home, he’s not looking out for you either.  Is the Sierra Club planning on making affordable homes for you and your families?  Hmm…  Seeing this tells me no way.

This is just a prime example of big mainland money under the guise of the “green movement” trying to influence politics in little old Kaneohe.  First is was Jessica Wooley and the San Francisco based Earthjustice (formerly known as the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund) backing her up and now it’s Robert Harris and the California based Sierra Club.  Are these groups looking out for the rubbah slippah locals?  No way!

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